PLEASE NOTE: Due to the ever shifting nature of the Internet, updating this page was a major headache and has therefore not been updated for quite some time. Several of those listed below have long gone. TBR
The Adirondack Review
on-line quarterly featuring free verse poetry, French and German translations, short
fiction. photography and artwork.
AGNI web edition of the long-standing
Boston-based review offers some fine past selections, but is no longer current.
Alternative-X a provocative alternative mag. Catch
the Black Ice Fiction.
Archipelago a top quality on-line journal of "Literature, the Arts and
Opinion," edited by Katherine McNamara.
Blithe House Quarterly the place to look for gay short
The Blue Moon Review from Charlottesville,
Virginia, the BMR offers a good selection of new short fiction and poetry.
Conjunctions biannual literary review from
Bard College. Offers wee sampling on-line of its impressive line-up (always lagging behind
print edition); full texts only available in print. Check out Back Issues for more
Corner San Francisco-based on-line journal
dedicated to the avant-garde. Issue 1 (Fall 1998), still available, focuses on the Catalan
avant-garde and its history. Texts mostly in Catalan, but with English essays as well.
Editor Carlota Caulfield deserves kudos for this thorough and impressive coverage of our
very own local scene. Now into its fifth issue.
The Cortland Review on-line magazine in both
text and real audio; quarterly but with monthly updates. Mostly poetry but with some
fiction as well.
eyeshot editor Lee Klein presents "on-line
litter for the ill and literate."
Gowanus from New York, editor Thomas J.
Hubschman presents "An International Online Journal of Ideas and
Observations." Quarterly.
Granta as with the Paris Review this other Big Daddy
of literary reviews is short on Net content. Offers a few brief extracts.
The Iowa Review literary quarterly
sponsored and published by the renowned University of Iowa; now offers The Iowa Review
Web, with additional material to the print review.
Jacket from Australia an Internet quarterly of
poetry, interviews, reviews, articles on type and photography; sponsored by Australian
Literary Management, edited by John Tranter. Chock-full of high quality material.
The Literary Review impressive quarterly
of Fairleigh Dickinson University offers complete on-line edition; now offers additional
material at TLRWEB.
Mississippi Review well-known quarterly
journal primarily devoted to short fiction has a thorough on-line edition of back issues. Now with a separate online review.
The Missouri Review Editor Speer Morgan heads
the revered MR; good on-line selection. Now with a separate online review.
Oyster Boy Review biannual review from North
Carolina of new fiction, poetry, photography and book reviews. Excellent links page. No longer publishing, but archives available.
The Paris Review contains titillating index,
as one would expect from editor Plimpton's famous mag, but more Net space devoted to
subscription info than actual contents. Worst tease of all: showing only the first
paragraph or two of the texts.
Pif an electronic literary magazine dedicated
to publishing poetry and short-fiction by new and emerging writers. Book, CD, movie
reviews and political commentary also on offer.
Ploughshares web edition contains
good samples from current and recent issues. Quality content.
Quarterly Black Review of Books features some of the best
African-American writing, reviews, and interviews.
The Richmond Review (UK) UK's first
electronic review contains some of the best short fiction (including crime and noir),
essays, features, poetry and reviews to be found anywhere on the Net; includes a Travel
section. No longer publishing, but archives available.
The Sewanee Review University of
the South's excellent, long-standing review is short on on-line fiction, but has good
selection of reviews.
SoMa Literary Review :"new voices from San
Francisco's subculture"; SoMa is the trendy abbreviation for S.F.'s South of
Market neighborhood . Covers the gay scene and subculture of the barrio. Fiction,
rants, reviews, news. Monthly updates.
Southern Cross Review from Argentina
editor Frank Thomas Smith presents a review with English and Spanish offerings covering
"literature and social and spiritual themes." Submissons welcome; see
Southern Ocean Review international
literary quarterly from New Zealand offers forum for new writers. Submissions are
considered from all over the world. Short stories, poetry, comment, reviews, criticism.
Suspect Thoughts Greg Wharton's on-line
journal of 'subversive writing . . . focuses on writing that blurs the lines between
genres, that isn't afraid that it might enrage, frighten, cause laughter, or even confuse,
while perhaps arousing sexual desire.'
The Sycamore Review click
'available on-line' for full texts and artwork from back issues of Purdue University's
fine review.
Web del Sol a "literary arts complex";
one of the web's largest literary portals.
Zoetrope: All-Story literary review from
Francis Ford Coppola's American Zoetrope complex; offers a forum for writers to receive
feedback on their work in exchange for crtiquing the work of others.
ZYZZYVA west-coast lit quarterly offers fair
selection of print content.
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Australian Humanities Review a
peer-reviewed interdisciplinary electronic journal, published quarterly with updates every
2 weeks. Be sure to click 'browse' for a look at back issues.
Celestial Timepiece truly
impressive, award-winning Joyce Carol Oates Homepage as compiled by librarian Randy
Hispanic Culture Review journal published once or
twice yearly by students of George Mason Univeristy; includes essays, fiction, and poetry
in English and Spanish.
Literary Kicks Levi Asher 's
cool site covers the Beats. Dig it.
Thomas Pynchon San Narcisco Community College
Thomas Pynchon Home Page.
Zembla the official site of the International Vladimir Nabokov Society; chock-full of
good info and news updates. See also Waxwing created by J.M.
Martinez,which has a new (and even easier) layout and a nice personal touch.
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3am Magazine "From 'cutting
edge short fiction' to political satire and music reviews, 3A.M. is a dream publication
for the young, literary and clued-up . . ." Bill Broun, The Times. Edited by
Andrew Gallix in France. Highly recommended.
Church of the SubGenius Poppy Z. first clued us to
this one years ago. Get religion with Uncle Bob and binge with the lunatic fringe.
eyeshot editor Lee Klein presents "on-line
litter for the ill and literate."
Feminista! "On-line Journal of Feminist
Construction: Art, Literature, Social Commentary, Philosophy, Wit, Humor and
Respect." That it is.
Hispanic Online web version of Hispanic magazine offers
select articles on Latin culture,
news, entertainment and education. But it's the magnificent Latino links that is most impressive
Holy Titclamps Gay zine from San Francisco's
Larry-bob. Well worth a look. Excellent 'hot
list of cool queer sites.'
MojoWire where the Left speaks and speaks well;
good on-line edition of Mother Jones.
Nerve the magazine of "Literate Smut," as
they say, but "literate" is the key word. A delightful, sex-oriented, quality
lit mag from New York.
The Onion "America's Finest News Source" -
no argument from us! Satirical mag full of laughs.
Salon THE big web zine, with something for
everyone despite its US orientation; appears daily.
Time Out (UK) contains not only London info, but
world wide city guides.
Viz Purple headed womb broom? Beaver Cleaver? Beef Curtain? Words that inspired a
Catalan short story (see BR issue 6) LOST? The "Profanisaurus" is where you
should head.
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ACE Traductores es la
Sección de Traducción de la Asociación Colegial de Escritores de España. Su página
contiene abundantes informaciones sobre el mundo de la traducción, incluyendo un censo de
traductores en línea, una sección de noticias de prensa relacionadas con la traducción
y el mundo del libro, una selección de artículos de la revista de traducción Vasos
comunicantes, información variada sobre servicios, actividades, convocatorias y premios,
así como multitud de enlaces de interés para los traductores.
Argos. Revista de poesía,
narrativa y teatro de la Universidad de Guadalajara, México. Revista de cultura. Revista de cultura con
secciones de literatura, cine, música, teatro, pintura, ciencia, fotografía, cómic y
Ciberayllu Revista
peruana y latinoamericana de cultura y literatura. Contiene ensayos de actualidad sobre
realidad latinoamericana y literatura. Colaboraciones de narrativa breve, poesía y un
interesante apartado de estudios sobre José María Arguedas. CRITICA.CL Página independiente y de libre acceso que
desde su fundación, en 1997, y cada vez con mayor propiedad, constituye un espacio de
análisis y confrontación de ideas sobre la cultura y el pensamiento en América Latina.
Literatura, plástica, cine, historia del arte y otras disciplinas procedentes del campo
de las humanidades.
El Coloquio de los Perros. Revista
española de literatura y cultura. Contiene apartados dedicados al Comic, a las artes
plásticas y visuales, teatro, narrativa, etc.
Contratiempo. Revista de pensamiento
y cultura. Literatura, filosofía, historia, arte, comunicación, periodismo y
arquitectura. Cuenta además con un ilustrativo archivo fotográfico de la ciudad de
Buenos Aires.
Ofrece un interesante portal de español como lengua extranjera, poesía italiana, poesía
francesa, la revista El Otro Mensual de arte y literatura, y mucho más.
Lateral. Revista de cultura. La edición digital
publica algunos de los contenidos de la versión impresa. Además de las clásicas
secciones de literatura, poesía, debate, historia, política y ensayo, cuenta con
interesantes secciones de "Música", reseñas de flamenco, jazz, músicas del
mundo, "Galería", un artista gráfico por mes; "Fotografía", que
expone un trabajo fotográfico relevante, "Sin ficción", espacio para el
periodismo literario y de investigación; "Cine documental", que informa y
reflexiona sobre las últimas producciones de este género realizadas en todo el mundo;
"Anacrónica", que recoge antiguallas curiosas y, a veces, de sorprendente
actualidad, etc.
Letralia, Tierra de Letras. Contiene entrevistas y
artículos de actualidad. Publica poesía, narrativa, ensayo y otros géneros de autores
Loring Art. Inaugurada en '96 Loring Art es la
primera librería de Barcelona especializada en arte contemporáneo, donde los libros
fundamentales de arte, diseño, fotografía y arquitectura del siglo XX conviven con
ediciones singulares, publicaciones difíciles de encontrar y revistas especializadas.
Revista Literaria Letras Abiertas, tiene
noticias sobre temas literarios, consejos para escritores, biografías, sitios
recomendados, obras publicadas de participantes de sus certámenes, curiosidades, etc.
Enviada gratuitamente todos los meses a quienes la soliciten vía e-mail.
Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueña.
Institución gubernamental del Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico. Fomento de las artes,
las artes plásticas, las artes populares, arqueología, museos y parques, monumentos y
zonas históricas, música, publicaciones y grabaciones, el teatro y la danza, el Archivo
General y la Biblioteca General; y extiende su gestión de promoción cultural por toda la
Isla, a través de los Centros Culturales, organizaciones autónomas en los pueblos.
No-Michi. Revista del haijin en castellano. Página
dedicada a los Haikus. Entrevistas, artículos, concursos. Edita obras de escritores
noveles en formato E-Book.
Quechua Network. Portal cultural de la
Región Andina. Interesante y completo website que promueve la investigación, rescate y
difusión de los valores culturales de los pueblos originarios de la región andina.
Contiene artículos sobre filosofía, cosmovisión, mitología andina, etc.
SANESOCIETY.ORG es una organización
internacional dedicada a fomentar la creatividad y la comunicación entre gentes de
distintas culturas, países y disciplinas artísticas (música, pintura, escultura,
fotografía, literatura, vídeo, etc.).
Literatura. Una verdadera enciclopedia de autores hispanoamericanos. Se puede
encontrar, a través de enlaces, textos de diversos escritores así como ensayos y
reseñas sobre sus obras, bibliografías, biografías, etc. Contiene también una sección
de noticias, un foro y otra de los innumerables reconocimientos recibidos.
Centro de Estudios y
Documentación "Jorge Luis Borges" un instituto universitario creado en
1994, y enteramente consagrado a estudios borgesianos en relación con la filosofía
(epistemologías transversales), la semiótica y la literatura comparada. El Centro está
situado en la Universidad de Aarhus, y pone su estructura y sus medios a la disposición
de todos los investigadores interesados en la misma área de actividad. Las lenguas de
trabajo son el inglés, el francés y el castellano.
El Cuarto del Quenepón revista cultural de
Puerto Rico
Instituto Cervantes la promoción y la enseñaza
de la lengua española
Mundo Latino Rincón
Péndulo la primera revista
electrónica literaria de México Revista de
"poes’a rebelde" con una espectacular página de enlaces.
Prometeo revista de poesía (Columbia)
Rincón Verde: Dedicado a Federico
García Lorca
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AELC L'Associació d'Escriptors en Llengua
Catalana, que ja té més de 25 anys d'existència, té més de 500 socis, entre els quals
hi ha escriptors (de totes les zones de parla catalana) que treballen en tots els camps,
des de la i la poesia fins al guionatge i la traducció. La seva web és força
recent i inclou una llista diària d'esdeveniments literàries arreu dels Països Catalans
a més de les últimes notícies culturals, i enllaços amb el suplements culturals de la
premsa catalana i international.
Badosa (català) Badosa EPC és un projecte de difusió gratuïta de textos literaris
inèdits de diversos autors en format electrònic.
Corner Vanguardia Catalana (Fall 1998)
Josep Lluís Seguí. Autor (AELC)
PROPOST (Projectes Poètics Sense Títol) és una
associació d'agitació al voltant de la propostes poètiques contemporànies,
responsables, entre d'altres, de projectes com Viatge a la Polinèsia, PROPOSTA (festival
internacional de poesies+polipoesies) i Micronèsia.
VilaWeb Diari Electrònic Independent
Centre d'Études et de
Documentation "Jorge Luis Borges" un institut universitaire entièrement
consacré aux étude borgesiennes en rapport avec la philosophie ("épistémologies
transversales"), la sémiotique et la littérature comparée. Le Centre est situé à
l'Université de Aarhus (Danemark) et met sa structure et ses moyens à la disposition de
tous les chercheurs intéressés au même type d'activités. Les langues de travail sont
le français, l'anglais et l'espagnol.
to top
ALTA/American Literary
Translator Association
BCLT/British Centre for Literary Translation
Translation Links excellent data
base compiled by Dieter Wiggert.
Resources for Translators and
Online Resources for Writers
ACE Traductores es la Sección de Traducción de la
Asociación Colegial de Escritores de España. Su página contiene abundantes
informaciones sobre el mundo de la traducción, incluyendo un censo de traductores en
línea, una sección de noticias de prensa relacionadas con la traducción y el mundo del
libro, una selección de artículos de la revista de traducción Vasos comunicantes,
información variada sobre servicios, actividades, convocatorias y premios, así como
multitud de enlaces de interés para los traductores.
Trujamán Centro Virtual Cervantes
Bookwire a comprehensive publishing portal
The Copyright Website
John Labovitz's e-zine list a comprehensive list of e-zines built up since 1993;
Labovitz will no longer be updating, as he is moving on. Still one of the best e-zine
resources available.
of Congress direct access to the Library of Congress and its resources.
The Slot: A Spot for Copy Editors
Spanish ISBN Data Base (Consultas a
la base de datos [ISBN: Formulario]) Listings for all books published in Spain; site
only in Spanish, but the basic find/search layout makes is dead easy to navigate. Keep in
mind that "agotado" means out of print.
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Poets & Writers On-line Online Resources for Writers
Writer's Digest "the online guide to
writing life"
The Guardian./Books
The Independent/Books
New York Times on the Web: Books
Village Voice book, film and theater reviews,
as with other content, randomly available on-line from New York's provocative weekly mag.
See also Village Voice Literary Supplement
Washington Post/Books
Francisco Chronicle/Books
The Miami Herald
Willamette Week Portland, Oregon
España (general news only; book reviews not available)
Avui (català; Barcelona)
El Pais (español; Madrid)
El Periodico (español y català; Barcelona)
La Vanguardia (español; Barcelona)
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Internet Movie Database
The New York Times Current
Film Reviews and NYT
Film Archive
The Roger Ebert Movie Files
The Blackstaff Press from Belfast,
Ireland; offers quality selection of mostly Irish books. On-line ordering available.
Canongate Books a favorite from Scotland.
Includes Payback Press and Rebel, Inc. imprints, the latter responsible for launching
Irvine Welsh, Alan Warner, et al. Writers take note of the Canongate Prize for New
City Lights Booksellers and Publishers San
Francisco's world-famous bookstore also publishes a wide range of titles, including
translations by such authors Juan Goytisolo and Carmen Martín Gaite.
Counterpoint Press (U.S.) member of
Perseus Books Group; publishes serious literary work, with particular emphasis on natural
history, science, philosophy and contemporary thought, history, art, poetry, and fiction.
Authors include Carole Maso, Frederick Barthelme and Gary Snyder.
Dalkey Archive Press from the U.S., Dalkey
publishes innovative fiction, including reprints and translations. The Press is a
nonprofit organization dedicated to making available and promoting the best in literary
fiction. Web site includes descriptions of forthcoming titles, new releases, and provides
an annotated listing of backlist titles.
.I.M.P. Fiction launched by publisher Kaye
Roach in January 1998, I.M.P. Fiction has quickly established itself as one of the most
innovative and cutting-edge publishing houses in the country.
No Exit Press another favorite small UK publisher,
specializing in crime fiction.
Ontario Review Press distinguished small
press edited by Raymond Smith
Serpent's Tail one of the best UK small press
publishers shows what's available and there's always something.
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Atticus Books from Washington, D.C. Atticus
Used Books and Music is a renowned antiquarian bookstore run by writers Richard Peabody
and Lucinda Ebersole, coeditors of the small press Gargoyle.
City Lights where to go in San Francisco (see
Small Press Publishers); founded by Lawrence Ferlinghetti and Peter D. Martin in 1953,
City Lights is one of the most outstanding independent bookstores in the U.S.
Gleebooks from Sydney, Australia, a large
independent bookstore with extensive offerings in the humanities; and, of course, a
full-range of Australian literature. Online book ordering available.
Hibernian Books Barcelona's second-hand
English bookstore. Internet access; tea and coffee; warm atmosphere.
La Central Llibreria la llibreria d'humanitats amb
més de 85.000 títols... Barcelona bookstore carrying mainly Spanish and Catalan titles,
but with a small, carefully chosen English section as well.
Powell's Books a huge independent bookstore in
Portland, Oregon; stocks over a million used and new books in all subject areas. "One
of the best bookstores in the English-speaking world," says The Washington Post, and
we couldn't agree more. Worth a trip to Portland in itself. Online book ordering
Amazon (US) and Amazon
Australian Online Bookshop
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