international review of contemporary fiction: jan - feb 2000 |
Welcome readers to the 21st Century and to the new fiction of the millennium. This issue we kick off with a futuristic story by Cuban-American Juan Abreu taken from his upcoming novel Garbageland and available here for the first time in translation. An appropriate counterpoint to Abreu's evolutionay vision is Norman Lock's "In the Time of the Comet," an inventive reverie at the beginning of the 20th century in which Freud, Matisse and others frolic together and speculate on what's to come. In translation from the French we have fiction from the well-known gay writer Guillaume Dustan, whose story takes us into the gay Parisian club scene; while U.S. writer Richard Peabody (editor of the ever-popular Gargoyle Magazine) offers an amusing story of the here and now, as does new writer Len Kruger (U.S.) in his deftly crafted piece "Hotline." In poetry were delighted to have three poems by John Giorno, who will be reading here in Barcelona this January 13th. One of the most innovative and influential figures of 20th century poetry, Giorno was the originator of Performance Poetry. For his ground-breaking achievements, including the use of technology and multi-media in the realm of poetry, he is the perfect candidate to carry the torch into the new millennium. The winner of last issues Beckett Quiz is Stephen Blower, a student at the University of Missouri where he is finishing his MA in Religious Studies before beginning law school. His choice of book as prize: Samuel Beckett and the Arts: Music, Visual Arts, and Non-Print Media, edited by Lois Oppenheim. A big congratulations to Stephen - no one else came close. This issue we have a Lorca Quiz, inspired by the new biography by Leslie Stainton (see reviews). We will accept entries until midnight Feb. 29th. As usual, the winner receives a free book of choice of anything relating to the subject. Beginning this issue well run an update of Michael Garry Smouts article "Barcelona, a Year in the Life of . . ." (first appearing in Issue 11), focusing on the two-month period of the present issue. Want to know what goes on here in January and February? Here it is. Check out our book reviews, newly updated Links Page, and have a wander through our Back Issues where all past material is stored and easily accessible. For more fiction set in the new millennium, check out these three stories from our back issues if you missed them first time round: Douglas Couplands "Fire in the Ativan Factory," which takes place New Years Eve 1999; Michael Fabers "Fish" and Lenny Ts "Music as Weapon." See you again around the first week of March, Saludos, Jill Adams,
original drawing by MARCELÉ over the top of a photo of U2 in concert and a heavy mix of Photoshop. Thought for the month: How much hard drive space and RAM would be needed if Microsoft made Photoshop? |
contents poetry: article: book
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